Online calculators & tools

Our site was created for those who know the value of their time and like to calculate everything in advance. Online services and calculators no longer need to be searched all over the Internet, they are all collected on one page - with the possibility of quick and free access. Calculate the percentage of the number, the number of words in the text, typing speed, body mass index - all this can be done on our website!

At the moment, we host over 100 applications that allow you to perform a variety of tasks: generate passwords and QR codes, convert currencies, track time, check internet speed, take IQ tests, count calories, test microphone, etc. e. Do you want to know your real IP-address, or take a responsiveness test? Just open the site and select the appropriate link!

You can launch applications at any time, and from any device: PC, laptop, tablet, smartphone. They are not demanding on hardware, and are available around the clock from anywhere in the world.

For almost any task, there is a free service that offers a solution. Save to bookmarks: something will definitely come in handy!